Welcome to Key Club!
Key Club is a volunteer organization that works towards bettering communities and bringing people together through service. By participating in projects, a Key Club member can earn hours and experience firsthand the benefits of helping their community. Throughout the school year we'll have plenty of opportunities for volunteer projects, community service, fun activities for the club, and events to unite with other Key Clubbers across the state. With your help, we can improve and change the world together!
Key Club School Board
Your trusty Key Club School Board consists of members with specific positions in order to keep the club organized and functioning. They can help you with any inquiries or project ideas you may have and are always ready to assist. Listed below are the names of your 2016-2017 staff and what they do!
Christina Gurguis
President; works to recruit members, manages meetings, help plan activities, and eudcates and informs club members
Nate Madden
Treasurer; handles the funds & membership fees
Megan Rinker
Bulletin editor/webmaster: photographs events, publishes monthly bulletin, updates social media and website
Heather Bokey
Secretary: keeps track of hours, posts signups for events, keeps the club organized, maintains membership info
Myndi Tran
Vice president: supports and works with president, enforces other officers, also helps to recruit new members

West Virginia District Board
District Board is the larger scale board that represents West Virginia Key Club as a whole and works with each region. Listed below are the 2016-2017 members from our school:
Douglas Soule
District Bulletin Editor
Julia Johnson
District Convention Chair: plans and coordinates DCON (District Convention)
Mackenzie Steele
Lieutenant Governer of Division 10B; supports the division's club and unifies the club and district