Hall of Fame

Emily Meade (October)
We love all our members, and we really appreciate all you do. Here's a few members who have shown the board why Key Club is such a great thing.
From helping decorate signs for the recycling committee to spending nights at Bingo to helping run Zul’s, Key Clubber Emily Meade has contributed a lot to Key Club in the past month.
Q: What has been your favorite project so far?
A : Bingo, for sure.
Q: What would you say to convince yourself a year ago
to join Key Club?
A: I would tell myself that it’s an experience of a lifetime and that it’s so much fun to make new friends and meet new people.
Q: Are you glad you joined?
A: I’m so happy I joined, at first I was just doing it for the college resume but now I’m doing it because I love everything about Key Club with volunteering and helping people.

Madewa Adeniyi jumped in headfirst in getting involved in the Farmer’s Market recycling booth and ever since has been more passionate towards being involved with the club.
Q: What has been your favorite project so far?
A : The farmer’s market booth; it was a great project because we really did need to have a place for recyclables there and we never had one before. That’s pretty cool.
Q: What inspired you to get more involved in Key Club?
A: I knew a few members of this year’s board personally and knew they were eager to make a difference, plus the current projects were really interesting and caught my attention.
Q: Are there any ideas you want to incorporate into a possible project for this year?
A: I would love to see more arts in the community so maybe I could do something like that. Maybe some type of mural for artists to work on.